Voice I – Speaking Truthfully
Voice I of our Truthful Acting Conservatory Program explores the actor's voice and how it is used in various aspects of our work.
During this semester, we will be exploring the technical layer of voice as we apply both technical and craft elements to make our storytelling as strong as possible - in every medium.
- Late Teens & Adults - Must be 16 years or older to enroll
- Prerequisite: Completion of the Master Meisner Program
- Begins: TBD
- Class Length: 28 classes / Twice per week
- Class Days: TBD
- Class Times: TBD
Forming a solid acting process is the first step to creating rich life within the character we inhabit. It’s essential to have a full amount of life under the surface, and to have the ability to express that life when needed.
However, many actors struggle with the technical layers that exist on top of that life. Vocal is one of those layers, and in fact, it's one of the essential Six Pillars of Acting.
A strong, clear voice is essential for quality acting. It's critical that the audience can hear and understand the actor in every performance! During this semester, we will focus on Vocal Clarity and Specific Use of Voice as we apply it to all forms of acting.
We will also explore the art of Voice-Over for an actor, learning how to use the voice to propel performance in such areas as Commercial Voice-Over, Animation, Gaming, Audio Book Narration, and ADR (Audio-Dub Recording).
Vocal Basics: Learn how the voice is used, vocal health and how to maintain your voice, and warm-up techniques.
Storytelling Through the Voice: Learn how voice relates to storytelling, and how you can use your voice to tell a more interesting and comprehensive story.
Enunciation and Vocal Clarity: Learn to work with skills for enunciation and vocal clarity - two of the essential skills for creating a digestible performance.
Voice in Various Mediums: Learn the difference between stage, film, commercial, and the varying forms of voice-over, and how your voice plays a pivotal role in each medium.
The Voice-Over: Understand the different voice-over applications, and apply the tools learned to voice-over exercises.
This class will be intensive in nature and will require homework. Students will be required to complete at-home technical assignments to better understand the vocal process. Because of the rapid progression of the work in this class, attendance is of the utmost importance.
Voice I will focus heavily on the Vocal and Craft/Technical aspects of the work, as we develop the skills needed for the various mediums. In addition, we will also apply the Mental/Analytical layer to analysis and choice-making in order to deliver the strongest performance possible.